Different types of breasts: shapes, sizes

Different types of breasts: shapes, sizes

There are different types of breasts which come in a variety of shapes and sizes. According to reviews about different types of breast, everyone's breasts are different in terms of shapes and sizes. Some people have created their own breast types classifications, although they are all based on aesthetic appearance. Different types of breast do not have an official or medical classification.

types of breast

The following are some examples of basic breast types:


the top and bottom of the breasts are equally full.

East west:

from the center of the chest to the sides are the right and left breasts. In many cases, the nipples point in different directions.


the breasts are small and the nipples are pointing downward. The bottoms are more voluminous than the tops. The length of the breasts is greater than the width of the breasts.


one breast appears to be significantly larger than the other. 

Bell shape:

the breasts are huge, plump at the bottom and thinner at the top, giving them a bell appearance. 

Close set:

Breasts that are close together have no separation or only a small gap between them. They sit closer to the center of your chest, allowing you to separate your underarm from your breast.

Breasts that are asymmetrical are common.

Among different types of breasts, asymmetrical can be worrisome. No one has a body that is perfectly symmetrical. It is hardly strange, then, that the size, shape, volume, and position of the left and right breasts differ. According to research done in 2006, only one woman in every 504 had symmetrical breasts. The difference is not noticeable in some people, but in others, one breast can be a full cup size larger than the other. This is typical, particularly in adolescent girls whose bodies are still developing.
If one breast has suddenly become significantly larger than the other, it is a good idea to see a doctor to rule out anything worrisome.

breast types

What factors influence breast types?

After you have determined your breast type, you might be wondering, "How did my breasts get to be that shape?" There are a few reasons which can form different types of breasts.
By far, genetics has the most influence on the various types of breast. Your genes have the most impact on the tissue, size and types of breasts, among other things. Other elements that influence the types of breasts are:
- Weight. Because fat makes up a big part of your breast tissue and density, as you gain or lose weight, you may notice a change in your breast type.

- Exercise. If you strengthen your pectorals and build up the muscles behind your breast tissue, your breasts may appear firmer and perkier.

- Age. Your breasts will naturally sag as you become older, so they may become longer and slide to the side as you get older; and this issue can change types of breasts.

- Pregnancy and breastfeeding are two of the most important aspects of a woman's life. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, your hormones might cause your breasts to swell and affect the distribution of fat and your breasts types.

Is your breast size fluctuating over time?

Breast types and size are genetically set, however they can vary due to intense workout, pregnancy and nursing, and drastic weight swings. During the menstrual cycle, there may be significant differences as well.
During pregnancy or breastfeeding, the breasts can expand momentarily. Breast type is sometimes linked to weight gain or sexual arousal. Breast swelling can also be caused by some drugs. When taking birth control pills, some people notice this issue.

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