Low estrogen causes flat buttocks, learn to treat it

Low estrogen causes flat buttocks, learn to treat it

Butt pills from reputable companies are usually hormone-free and safe for use. Such supplements do not contain any form of additives, allergens or chemicals that will cause more harm than good.
Butt enhancement pills might help you get bigger buttocks by solving the problem of low estrogen levels. Low estrogen in women is a main reason why they don’t have a sexy butt just like many others. Therefore, some pills for buttock enhancement try to solve the problem of low estrogen in women and help them have curvier buttocks. CurvyPure buttock enhancement pills (butt enhancer pills) have been reported to regulate the estrogen in the body, and thereafter, direct the hormone to instruct your body to keep fat in your buttocks and take it to other areas, like your hips, where it is needed. Click here for more information about CurvyPure reviews.


What is estrogen?

The name “Estrogen” was coined from two Greek words “oestros” that means “a period of coitus in females and “genos” that means to generate. The way your buttocks looked when you were 12 years old had been very different from the way it looks now that you are in your mid-20s.
When you hit 30, your butt starts to lose muscle mass and pretty much of what is left is lost after you hit 40, 50 and 60, and this majorly depends on one factor- estrogen. Estrogen is the “brain” behind the pimple on your not so full butt when you were 12 years old, your curvy butt in your 20s, and your workout-dependent good-looking butt in your 30s.
Estrogen is the female sex hormone that is responsible for the deposition of fat in parts of the body like the thighs, breasts, hips and buttocks. This feminine hormone is what makes it possible for you to stay curvy. That narrow waist line you have is also a result of estrogen. Therefore, if your buttocks are not big, one main reason might be that you have low estrogen levels. Low estrogen levels not only make butts less curvy, but they also cause other problems for both men and women. Low estrogen in women might cause weight gain and headaches, while in men, low estrogen levels might raise body fat or lower sex drive. Some of the obvious symptoms of low estrogen levels are difficulty sleeping, moodiness, night sweats, and a decreased sex drive. However, our main focus is on the link between low estrogen levels and the size of the buttocks.


The link between estrogen and your buttocks

The fact that estrogen helps to improve female sexual characteristics cannot be exaggerated. It makes your posterior very prominent and causes your skin to glow. Not all fat cells are horrible and terrible, estrogen triggers your lower body to soak up fatty acids, making them fuller and shapelier. That’s why low estrogen in women make them look less attractive than women who don’t have low estrogen levels.

How can I boost estrogen to enhance my buttocks?

Thankfully, if you wish to have a curvy butt, you can make it possible by taking exogenous edibles that will balance out your estrogen levels. One of the tried and trusted methods is by the use of phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are plants that help to regulate the rate of estrogen.
These potent substances called phytoestrogens are usually made into a proprietary blend (supplement). Butt enhancement supplements are reliable means of boosting the level of estrogen in your body. Butt growth pills contain ingredients like fenugreek, fennel, saw palmetto and wild yam root which have been proven to mimic estrogen when taken; therefore, they help to solve the problem of low estrogen levels.
Do not bother your pretty self about packing on pounds when taking these oral pills, you will not gain weight; however, they help people especially women with low estrogen levels. Another way of increasing the fat deposition in your lower half is by using a butt lotion that is high in phytoestrogens. Such lotions stimulate the production and spread of fat only in the areas where they are needed.

Does massaging your butt make it bigger?

getting a butt massage has many benefits; however, getting a big ass massage is not enough to get big buttocks. Therefore, you’d better use butt enhancement pills, creams and lotions as well in order to see your favorite results. As mentioned above, ingredients such as fenugreek help increase estrogen levels in your body; thus, it is true to say that massaging your butt can make it bigger, providing that you get a butt massage with butt enhancement creams or lotions. Butt massages along with butt enhancement supplements allow you to get a bigger butt in a short time.  

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